







Product Description

Fractional resurfacing is a new laser treatment modality that creates numerous

microscopic thermal injury zones of controlled width, depth, and density that are

surrounded by a reservoir of spared epidermal and dermal tissue, allowing for rapid

repair of laser-induced thermal injury. This unique modality, if implemented with

proper laser-delivery systems, enables high-energy treatments while minimizing



Skin resurfacing (to improve texture)

Pigmented lesions: Age spots / brown spots / sun spots

Wrinkles around the eyes

Acne scars

Surgical scars

Melasma (mask of pregnancy)

Actinic Keratoses


Laser Type: 10.6μm

Output Power: ≥20W

Starting Voltage: ≤25kV

Operating Voltage: ≤15kV

Operating Current: ≤25mA

Focal length of working head: F=50mm

Indication Beam: Diode Laser(532nm, 5mW)

Transmission System: 7-Articulation Joint Spring Arm

Smoke Exhausting System: Built-in air blow

Cooling System: Water cooling

Environmental temperature: 5-40C

Relative Humidity: ≤80%

Power Supply: AC220V; 50Hz

Dimension: 430mm*350mm*1050mm

Weight: 25kg

Working Mode

Continuos: Power 1~30W step adjustable each 1 W

Pulse: Power 1~30W step adjustable each 1

Interval time: 1~999ms

Ultra pulse: Power 1~30W step adjustable each 1

Modulated frequency of 1000 Hz

Pulse Duration: 90-1000μs

Scanning mode:

Scan mode: Ellipse, Rectangular.

Scanning Range: 15*15mm

Repeat Delay: 0.1s---- 5.0s.

Micro Pulse Energy: 5mJ---50mJ.

Treatment Level: 0.30%-----25.0%.

Passes: 1-----10 times.

Estimated Power: 24mJ--1000J.

Ellipes estimated power: 31mJ----1000J

Rectangular estimated power: 24mJ----981J

Treatment area: 0.1*0.1mm, ----- 20*20mm.

Handpiece Velocity: 0.1-----9cm2/s

Scanning Depth: <1.8mm